Monday, December 30, 2019
Heres how to escape the two foes of happiness
Heres how to escape the two foes of happinessHeres how to escape the two foes of happinessNot many people looked to Arthur Schopenhauer in his lifetime, but his thinking about human nature has deeply influenced a long list of subsequent writers and philosophers.He was one of the first major Western thinkers to incorporate aspects of Eastern philosophy into his work, except that many of his conclusions were generally a little more pessimistic.He saw reality as driven by a blind will that manifested itself in humans as illogical and pointless desires. For him, the only way out of this was through a kind of asceticism, where much of ur material pleasures are given up as to fight against this irrational will.The biggest criticism of Schopenhauer is indeed this defeatist view, one that didnt attempt to strike a balance. Nonetheless, its clear that he had thought deeply about behauptung issues, and even if his conclusions were unsatisfactory, there was still a kernel of truth to them.In hi s essay The Wisdom of Life, he did something unlike him. He deviated away from his pessimism and tried to outline what it would take to live a happy life in this world as it is. In doing so, he insightfully pointed to one of the chief struggles of our existenceThe most general survey shows us that the two foes of human happiness are pain and boredom. We may go further, and say that in the degree in which we are fortunate enough to get away from the one, we approach the other. Life presents, in fact, a more or less violent oscillation between the two.The reason of this is that each of these two poles stands in a double antagonism to the other, external or objective, and intern or subjective. Needy surroundings and poverty produce pain while, if a man is more than well off, he is bored. Accordingly, while the lower classes are engaged in a ceaseless struggle with need, in other words, with pain, the upper carry on a constant and often desperate battle with boredom.Stuck in the pleasur e/pain axisTraditional psychology and neuroscience have assumed that humans have innate biological pathways embedded into us by evolution, expressed as feelings like gemeindeland and joy.This reasoning holds that emotions are universal and specific and that we can map them out if we study the human body in close detail across a variety of cultures and environments.This view is so deeply ingrained in popular culture that most of us, too, would argue that there is something specific like anger and joy that we can identify in others at different times.The theory of constructed emotions, however, argues otherwise. While, yes, something we roughly identify as anger is experienced by us, it doesnt exist in the concrete and specific way that we think it does. Its a complex and summarized mixture of everything going on in our body at a particular time (as to orient us), and it varies from one instance to another.1According to this view, the only thing that exists is the pleasure/pain axis, which serves to absorb information both from our body and our surroundings to give a rough idea of what we need. Within this axis, we experience affect an ever-changing conscious reality.Everything else particularly emotion and cognition only exists because we create linguistic distinctions between them. Anger is only anger because we collectively call it anger.The interesting thing is that Schopenhauer takes it a step further with his distinction of pain and boredom. While pain can be constant and ever-present (its a call to action, so if you dont respond to it, it persists), pleasure (or a similarly good feeling) isnt and turns into boredom if you have everything you need (if it didnt, survival would be out of the question).In a way, as Schopenhauer points out, we are essentially stuck in this fluctuation. If we get away from one, we move towards the other, and neither provide any long-term satisfaction.Now, its easy to binnensee how pain is unwelcomed, but a deep existential b oredom can be similarly torturous. In some cases, perhaps even more so, leading to nihilism and depression.There is a lot we are still uncertain about in terms of how we experience our conscious reality, but the fact that we are living within the pleasure/pain axis seems close to certain.Cultivating a mind/body connectionTo solve this problem, Schopenhauer suggests that we leave behind our preoccupations with the world around us and instead retreat to the world of thought and create inward wealth.Well, he doesnt necessarily suggest that physical pain can be escaped in the mind, but he does make the case that we can break the shackles of boredom, at least, with thought.By ignoring the external world and the associations we have in it with pleasure and pain, he argues that we can somehow leave behind this pleasure/pain axis altogether within the mind. And this, perhaps, is where Schopenhauer sounds better on paper than in real life.If the theory of constructed emotions is right, then there is really no hard distinction where thought somehow lives outside of the pleasure/pain axis. Its all one side of the same coin.In fact, though, in some instances of boredom and pain, does nothing but augment what causes dissatisfaction. Quite often, its not as simple as thinking about something else to get away from what you dont want to face. We dont always have control over that.A better solution, maybe, is to create inward wealth by cultivating a more holistic mind/body connection, where you pay just as much attention to the body as you do to your thoughts.In many cases of pain and boredom, when it is thought which augments the dissatisfaction, observing the body and the sensations on it, without attaching yourself to them as thought does, you can see the ever-changing nature of the affect that you are experiencing.Very few people consciously spend time in their body, experiencing movements and feelings that arise, but when its done with intention, it can be just as therape utic as a mental escape.It reminds you there is more to what you experience on a daily basis than whatever it is that boils to the surface. By default, we dont think about being in our body because we have automated the parts of our awareness that consciously pay attention to it, and its precisely for this reason that getting in touch with that awareness can point us in a new direction.The problems of pain and boredom cant be solved by retreating to one or the other, either thought (subjective, internal) or body (objective, external), but they have to work together.The takeawayRegardless of whether Schopenhauer was right about everything, its hard not to respect his courage in trying to see reality for what it is rather than settling for an unfounded idealism.His whole philosophy works in a fairly coherent fashion, and much of it is understandable enough to apply to our day to day life in a way that clears out some of the muddy waters.The chief struggle experienced in the human cond ition, as identified by Schopenhauer, says something that modern biology has known since Darwin and takes it a step further we live in the pleasure/pain axis, yes, but sustained pleasure almost always leads to boredom.Pain gives us information that something is wrong and we need to fix it, and some form of it tends to persist until the problem is solved. Pleasure, on the other hand, is a reward, but if the reward is continuously present, it ceases to be rewarding, leading to a certain dullness.While there are ways to escape this dullness by retreating to the mind and to intellectual thought, we cant completely sever the link between experience and the pleasure/pain axis.To balance the ever-changing effect we live with, in a healthy way, we need to develop a mind/body connection, one that holistically incorporates the two to manage change.By watching and paying attention to our body, outside of the boundaries of thought, we can bring to the foreground the feelings and sensations that are masked by an inattentive mind.When stated, its quite evident that the mind and the body work together, that they have a feedback loop that connects them, but in reality, we often ignore this at our own peril.Dissatisfaction exists whether we want it to, but how we deal with it makes all the difference.Want to think and live smarter? Zat Rana publishes a free weekly newsletter for 30,000+ readers atDesign Luck.Thisarticlewas originally published onDesign Luck.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
4 To-Dos for Your First Year on the Job
4 To-Dos for Your First Year on the Job4 To-Dos for Your First Year on the JobWhen I started my first job out of college (actually, while I welches still in college), the idea of working someplace every day for an entire year was a bit terrifying. Although my course schedule was always full, and Id worked during school as well, Id never had to clock a full eight (ahem, 12) hours in a row- and of the hours I did put in, none were under the watchful eye of anyone but myself.So, when my first one-year anniversary approached, I was pretty proud Id made it Then, right as I was about to start patting myself on the back, my manager sat me down to go over my performance- which is when I realized there was a lot more I couldve been doing to set myself up for success in those first 12 months.In my defense, none of these things were outlined in my job description, nor were they in the goals my boss had set out for me. No, the difference between simply doing a good job and being seen as invaluab le part of the team isnt about hitting your numbers or meeting your goals- its the much more subtle things that have an impact on how youre perceived at work.Since then, Ive figured out there are a few key milestones everyone should try to achieve within that first year at a new company, in a new department, or in a new role. So review this list at least once a quarter (if not more), and make sure stay youre on track to impress your boss when anniversary time rolls around.1. Name that SuitBy the end of your first year, you should know the names of all your immediate colleagues, and a little bit about them, too. This helps show you care about your team beyond a superficial level, and starts to create roots that can lead to professional perks like mentors, opportunities to take on more, and yes, even raises and promotions. An important note Dont focus your memory skills only on the big cheeses- build relationships with everyone, and I mean everyone. Job title is not synonymous with in fluence, so getting to know your receptionist, janitor, or parking attendant could open doors you never thought possible. (Not to mention, its just the right thing to do.)2. Be Someones GodfatherDon Corleone knew a thing or two about favors- most notably the fact that after doing someone a solid, he knew that, someday, he could call upon that person for a favor of his own. The workplace may not be quite like working for the mafia (if it is, please tell us all about it), but the Godfather had it right.Within your first year, you should have done a few favors of your own.But dont worry- they dont need to be mob-level favors- a simple offer to help someone out thats working late or cover for a colleague who needs to leave early will suffice. When you offer to ease that burden as the rookie, it says a lot about you, and creates a solid foundation of trust and reliability with your colleagues thats difficult to achieve without years on the clock.That said, while its a generally accepted social contract to return a favor, its by no means a guarantee- and when you do a colleague a favor, it should be because youre truly trying to help, not channeling your inner mobster.3. Become a BaristaWhether you mainline your coffee or prefer tea, knowing how to brew a good cup o joe will endear you to many a bleary-eyed, coffee-loving colleague. Those of us that love our morning coffee usually end up being the ones to make it every morning (and make a new pot when someone drinks the last cup), and while we know and trust our own brewing skills, its a welcome treat to discover a pot of coffee has already been made- and its good. Believe me A good cup of coffee will win you a special place in your colleagues hearts, and the coffee-bond is one thats hard to break.(Note If you arent comfortable with your brewing skills just yet, experiment on a willing coffee-drinking colleague until you get it right. Brewing a watery pot of coffee could have disastrous consequences.)4. Find Your ro lleWith every job, Ive had someone that became my go-to person. This person wasnt necessarily in my department, or even the same state- but we worked together in some capacity, and through a mutually beneficial partnership, endeavored to help each other get shit done.Find this person- and ideally sooner, rather than later. Ill give you a hint Look for the person who can make miracles happen at the 11thhour, when everyone else tells you they cant be done. This person is usually part of operations or the back office. Get in good with that person, and I guarantee, youll be pulling strings even the highest-level executives couldnt touch.Ultimately, what you accomplish in your first year will say a lot about the kind of asset youll be to your employer. Working hard to crank out a lot of product may seem like a strategy that will get you noticed, and thats probably true- but what does it say about you as a long-term investment for the company?If you weave yourself into the fabric of the c ompany culture first, youll establish a relationship with your working community and demonstrate to everyone that youre committed to the success of the entire company, not just your own. And that is what will make you an asset in the long run.Photo of woman working courtesy of Shutterstock.
Friday, December 20, 2019
get the words core competencies off your resume
get the words core competencies off your resume get the words core competencies off your resume If you have a section on your resume called core competencies, please call it something else. You do not need that horrible piece of jargon on your resume, and its presence there instantly makes hiring managers eyes glaze over.Call it a profile, call it a summary or highlights, I dont care but no one says core competencies in everyday conversation. Use plain language that makes you sound like a normal person, rather than like someone who got trapped in a really boring HR conference and never escaped.
Monday, December 16, 2019
Learn About Industrial Space Leases
Learn About Industrial Space LeasesLearn About Industrial Space LeasesWhile restrictions and lease conditions are important considerations to factor in when looking for commercial, industrial space, for most new geschftslebenes, how much the monthly rent will cost is often the deciding factor. Commercial leases can have added fees in addition to rent. Be sure you understand what additional costs are by asking questions, including What is the base rent on the usable square footage? Many commercial leases have a base rent, that is, what you pay for the actual square footage of the space. But loads and CAM fees may be added to this rate, increasing your monthly rent.Are the terms of the lease negotiable? Negotiable terms include the base rent, free rent, security deposits, length of the lease, how much your rent and fees can be increased each year, and lease renewal options, etc.Are there costs in addition to rent? Are there any special taxes, property fees, load fees, CAM or other fees ? If so, get them in writing. Make sure each fee is identified individually, how much each fee will cost you, and how often you will have to pay the fee(s). What will it cost you in the future? How much can your rent (and any other fees) be raised each year? What is the maximum percent or dollar amount your rent and other fees can be raised each year? If there is a 1% cap each year on load fees, that may sound reasonable, but this does not mean your base rent will be capped at 1%. To make up for low caps on other fees, your landlord may try to stick you with a 15% rent increase.What is included in the rent? What taxes, utilities, and services (landscaping, security, etc.) are covered in your lease, or that you are required to pay on your own? Does Leasing Industrial Space Make Sense for Your Business? Commercial, industrial spacescan offer many options that traditionaloffice spaces cannot. Butindustrial spacescan also have certain limitations that traditional geschftsleben and retail parks do not have. Be sure to ask questions about any restrictions that could be placed on your business in an industrial park before you sign a lease. Questions you should ask about the property that you may wish to have addressed in your lease, include Contractor and Service LimitationsDoes the industrial park require you to use specific vendors or contractors for signs, lighting, renovations, build-outs, or any other services such as alarm, telephone, cable, etc.?Advertising and Appearance LimitationsAre there any restrictions that could affect your business such as all signs must be in black and white, no larger than 2 feet, or exactly 5 feet from the ground? (All behauptung things would make it hard to distinguish your business from others, or to be seen from a distance.) Is the Unit Cable and Telephone Ready?If not, is it in an area where you can get these services and who are local providers?UtilitiesWhat public and private utilities can you use or access from your uni t? Will you set up your utility accounts? Some landlords may pay your utilities and then bill you for them. Will the landlord be required to provide proof of what you owe if you do not get billed directly from utility companies?Parking and Traffic LimitationsAre there any limitations on the number of parking spaces you and your customers can use? If not, then there are likely no restrictions on other tenants as well. Do or can you have assigned parking? Business HoursWill there be restrictions on business hours or days of the week where you can operate your business or receive clients and customers?Nature of Business Protection and RestrictionsWill there be any restrictions on the nature of the business you operate? For example, if you are planning to open an antique shop, are there any restrictions on what you can sell, or, if you sell an item, will the landlord allow other similar, competing businesses to open while you are a tenant??An example of why this is so important to ask a nd to get it in writing is if an existing tenant has a doll shop with protection to retail privileges in the lease, an antique shop may be prohibited from selling antique dolls because selling dolls would compete with an existing tenants business. You want to make sure that your business has similar protections within the industrial complex. Addressing Build-Outs and Renovations Leases can be complicated, and if you are planning to take a space as is and make changes to it, be sure to address your planned changes plans in the lease. Questions to ask about renovations and building out spaces include Can you build out or renovate the existing space?If not, find another space. You may not need to build out space now, but never limit your business future growth potential and unforeseen needs.Zoning Ordinances Are there anyzoning ordinancesthat would affect how you can build out space?Conflict of Interest ConcernsAre you required to use the landlords contractors? If so, consider thi s a strong negative.Approvals NeededWhat special permissions or approval do you need to get in advance from the city, county, or landlord? Improvement IncentivesWill the landlord offer any rent reduction, rent credits, or other financial incentives to contribute to the cost of renovations and build-outs?Avoid Value Increases in RentIf you increase the value of the space by building out or renovating, will this allow the landlord to increase your rent proportionally?Time LimitationsWill there be any time-frames required by your landlord, city, or county to complete warehouse renovations and build-outs?Permits RequiredWhat special permits will you need to renovate or build-out your space, and willyour landlordhelp you obtain these permits?
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
How to Uber-Proof Your Career In A Disruptive Economy
How to Uber-Proof Your Career In A Disruptive EconomyHow to Uber-Proof Your Career In A Disruptive EconomyIn a world where the modern millennial job candidate gets all the buzz, those of us who are a little older and a little more established in our jobs might be tempted to worry. After all, sometimes it seems like computer skills and social media awareness are the new status quo, and everyone has heard a horror story of an older rolle being let go in favor of a younger hire. If youve been reading news headlines over the past two years you know that Uber is a start-up company that took over the taxi industry by surprise. Using a free smartphone app, the company allows individuals to find and call different kinds of cars for short and long rides in urban areas across the country. This is great for the consumer, but it disrupted the taxi and car service industry. We should stop and ask is there an Uber for every industry? And which long-held staples of the geschftsleben world will be n ext?Uber is more than a great part-time side job for the summer. Its also a metaphor for how you can protect your career from new and different kinds of technology advancements and younger and differently-skilled co-workers. Here are three things you can do to Uber-proof your career Build bridges, dont burn themWorking with people who are different from you can be stressful, but its also an opportunity to show leadership. Instead of shying away from new hires with a different background, age or energy level, make an effort to befriend new employees. Not only will you experience the first-hand, but youll also bring a more diverse perspective to the job you do.Learn new thingsChange is constant, whether you embrace it or not. The way you learned to do your job five years ago or even one year ago may no longer be relevant. Proactively keep your handglied on the pulse of your work by signing up for updates and newsletters from cutting edge organizations within your industry, then talk a bout these updates with new coworkers. You dont have to re-learn everything you know to keep up, but you do need to have a sense of whats happening in your industry now so that you can adapt if its truly a better way to work.Innovate at work and at homeAs you immerse yourself in new opportunities for relationships and knowledge, apply them to ideas and activities both at work and in your spare time. This practice will help you stay a few steps ahead of your industry and turn you into a valuable source of progress for your company which is a job that cannot be replaced by technology.Show off your own featuresThe main challenge of competing with Uber-like new hires is that everyones touting the positive stereotypes of young workers such as ingrained computer savvy and enhanced creativity. Instead of trying to take ownership of those stereotypes for yourself, why not re-discover and emphasize the positive stereotypes you perceive to be true for your generation? This could include deve loping stronger communication and leadership skills or focusing on a difficult skill within your field that takes years to master. The more you focus on cultivating your unique talents, the more valuable you will be in your workplace and on the job market. In a world of Ubers, companies must protect their business from disruptive startups. In the same way, those established in their careers often feel like they must protect their jobs from younger, more modern job candidates. Since the best defense is a good offense, we hope youll use these tips to be proactive about bringing more value to your workplace and collaborating with new hires to make it happen.
Friday, December 6, 2019
How Far Back Should My Resume Go Reviews & Guide
How Far Back Should My Resume Go Reviews & Guide Introducing How Far Back Should My Resume Go Everything beyond which may be irrelevant. People today believe that should they werent paid for work, it doesnt count as having one. The main point is that you desire a great resume if you need to land the perfect job fast As you may still list all your prior jobs, the sum of space you will need to describe your role, responsibilities, and achievements will be much less, because youll want to focus the info on the skills you used and accomplishments you achieved that are related to your new job targets. Some individuals have had as many as 90 jobs in the past decade, therefore it only makes sense theyre confused and dont understand how many jobs to grow their resume. If you held a job for just a couple of months, it may be better merely to list everything in conditions of years, and notlage include months. Look over the information and determine whether its related to the work op ening and whether the hiring manager is going to be impressed with that. Focus on just what the hiring manager would like to see, not on how much information you are able to cram onto it. You should organize your resume to assist agencies evaluate your experience. If you dont supply the info necessary for the hiring agency to find out your qualifications, you may not be considered for the job. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About How Far Back Should My Resume Go Is Wrong Theres a standard notion among the job seekers which you require to include all of your job experiences briefly in your resume. If your resume is not proofread, your very first impression might not be the one that you wish to last. It is important to comprehend the work application example is really a guide and you need to revise the example statements so they really match the work needs of the job which youre applying for. In addition, should you accomplish the interview stage, youre not likely to be in a position to lie. Maybe that experience taught you how you can manage somebody elses life so that you may showcase why youd be an amazing assistant or basic manager. Obviously, its important that you list relevant work experience on your resume. Likewise, if youre going to apply to get a job which requires over 20 decades of experience, add the amount of experience with the relevancy to the work experience needed. The very first explanation is that your latest experience will often be more relevant to a brand-new job, and second, including all the changes in technology, and company practice, anything beyond that is virtually irrelevant. The very best center of your resume is the most significant portion of the entire document because its the very first thing the hiring agent or someone else will observe when they look at it. When youre looking for a new job, the typical procedure for filling out an on-line application or dropping off a resume isnt always enough. Finally, your resume will be particular to you. Life, Death and How Far Back Should My Resume Go Resumes are written dependent on the physical fitness evaluations. They dont have to be one page. Based on your usage of the language in your resume, you might get fifteen or twenty decades of your history into your resume or just a couple of years. Even should a veteran has 5 or 10 points because of a disability, its important that your resume get you Qualified, if you are supposed to make the most of veterans preference programs. You would be astounded at how much men and women lie on their resumes Experienced technical men and women often have three-page resumes. Your aim ought to be to keep the resume centered on the work target and downplay irrelevant info, states Isaacs. The primary aim of your resume ought to be to impress the reader with the particular qualifications and experiences that cause you to fit to get hired for a desired position. Its really hard to forego accomplishments which you are proud of, but consider omitting the ones unrelated to your present objective. If it doesnt serve that purpose, it shouldnt be included.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Making a Career Move Examine Employers Closely
Making a Career Move Examine Employers Closely Whether starting a career right out of school, transferring careers to something more suitable, or restarting a career after a layoff, before changing your lifestyle and settling in for a new position it is critical to research employers before making a big commitment. In addition to important questions regarding company ownership, sales and earnings forecasts, industry reputation, growth strategy, and employee experience, it is also crucial to discover the viability of a company into the future and whether an organization offers a culture you into which you can grow. To this end, there are several authoritative resources that help give an idea of the nature of the employer beyond the optimistic sales pitch given by a hiring manager or recruiter. Given the growing prevalence of social media within the employment sphere, and the subsequent use of such networks for corporate image construction and recruitment, sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are valuable resources when researching a company. A large variety of organizations have social profiles where the post regular updates about company news, press releases, and career opportunities. Consumers and employees are also usually able to provide feedback on a companys products or work environment, giving an enlightening glimpse at how the company works.Publicly traded companies are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to provide financial data to the public. Powerful web-based research tools such as allow individuals to view any companys SEC filings. Financial data may also be requested directly from the SECs website or snail mail.Business-to-business services, such as, offer databases containing millions of companies, all of which can be searched directly from the websites search engine. Other resources include business directorie s such as and offering insider perspectives from employees contain reviews and profiles of thousands of organization. Resources such as and host reviews and opinions from current and past employees.Websites featuring annual financial reports, such as and, provide information regarding corporate earnings and how the numbers compare to those expected by a given company.Business news coverage websites such as and provide large search engines containing thousands of news releases from companies in any number of industries. Other news sites, such as, offer unbiased business stories that examine many aspects of business behavior and reveal potential red flags about companies going wrong.Finally, contacting arealal business experts, such as local and region chambers of commerce, may not only help clarify information about a company, region, or industry, bu t also work to expand your professional network. Local news papers can also be good resources for information such as layoffs and corporate misadventure.Using several or all of the available resources can help create an appropriate context in which to judge a companys present condition and future direction. Not only does this information give an upper hand in an interview situation, but also helps during the decision-making process when determining whether a job offer is truly the best option.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
3 Bad Boss Personalitiesand How to Deal With Them -The Muse
3 Bad Boss Personalitiesand How to verstndigung im strafverfahren With Them -The Muse3 Bad Boss Personalities- and How to Deal With ThemAwful baboes are highly entertaining on-screen (look no furtherbei than Meryl Streeps fabulously vicious Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada). But in the real world, a terrible babo is anything but amusing.For all that a nightmare supervisor may make you want to quit your job, thats not always an option. Read on for three common types of bad-boss personalities and some quick suggestions for how to cope.1. Bad Boss Personality The Credit HogI eagerly await the day when all supervisors understand that talking up their employees highlights the value of the entire team- both the fabulous worker and the person smart enough to hire her. But in the meantime, there are some supervisors who think their job is only safe so long as the C-suite thinks theyre the sole person on staff with brilliant ideas.The temptation here is to set the record straight, an d shout from the rooftops- or over a group email- that you had the idea that saved the day. But, as you probably already know, a, No, it was my idea back and forth wont do any good.How to Deal Credit the Team EnvironmentWhat you can do is reinforce the idea that youre a part of a team whenever the project comes up. Think When you hear, It was brilliant of John to suggest we move the annual conference up two months try following up with something like, Yes, the whole team really came together with wonderful ideas to improve on the event weve held in years past.First, this approach makes you look good because everyone loves a team player. Second, it makes you more likely to be heard than a he said, she said approach. Finally, it still accomplishes your goal of reminding others that John gets his ideas from a room full of staff.2. Bad Boss Personality The One Who Steers You WrongIt can be very frustrating when your boss instincts couldnt be further from your own. You go to him for advi ce, and instead of a game plan, you come away with directives you dont want to follow.Frankly, this may be a problem of your own creation. Youre asking for help, and hes trying to provide it. The fact that you dont want to take his suggestions (but feel like you have to) is a different story.How to Deal Ask for Approval, Rather than AdviceTry seeking out a new sounding board. Perhaps your boss always suggests a direct approach, and youd rather be more delicate. Is there a colleague or mentor who seems to always get your approach? Especially if this person is well-respected within the organization, youll be getting helpful advice and an ally all in one.Then, in your next meeting, instead of saying, How would you suggest I tackle this issue? try, I was uncertain how best to approach a client with a difficult personality. Sarah- who also has some tough clients- suggested the following approach, and I think it will work well. That way, youre still keeping your boss informed- and letting him weigh in if necessary- but you should have more opportunities to handle things in a way that makes sense to you.3. Bad Boss Personality The Boss Who Loves to Say NoEvery time you approach your boss with a new way to get things done, she says, No. Whether its about a tight budget, a lack of resources, or just a penchant for the way things have always been done, she doesnt want to hear anything thats a break from the status quo.Well, my question is Are you a glutton for punishment? Do you think that, one day, after months of sharing every idea that pops in your head, your boss will suddenly change her tune and say, Yes, thats a brilliant neuschpfung? (I know from experience Its not going to happen.)The truth is, youre probably fighting a battle you cant win. You want to demonstrate that you think outside the box (which she doesnt value). Or you think your way is better than hers (which she doesnt believe). Or you disagree with how things are done (which doesnt matter to her).How to Deal Take Your Ideas Somewhere ElseIf this rings true, youre not a culture fit. Its hard to hear, because from where youre standing, its your boss who isnt a fit. But if the company decided to place her in a management role, its putting stock in her approach. Certainly you can wait it out a bit, or you can even discuss your frustrations with other leaders or human resources. But if might be a better approach to start channeling your creativity and new ideas toward updating your resume.The supervisor-employee relationship is a significant one, and its frustrating when it feels like its not working. Try the tips above to get back on track.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Being a Marine Corps Middle East Cryptologic Linguist
Being a Marine Corps Middle East Cryptologic sprachwissenschaftlerBeing a Marine Corps Middle East Cryptologic LinguistCryptologic linguists monitor, transcribe, and translate intercepted target communications perform analysis and exploitation of designated foreign communications and install, operate, and perform preventive maintenance of intercept equipment. Following basic qualification as a Linguist (MOS 2711-2728), Marines attend a specialized course of instruction and upon completion are assigned the appropriate MOS. Secondary duties and tasks include aspects of EW/COMSEC and direction-finding operations. In addition, Marines assigned MOS 2671 receive MOJT in such MOS related requirements as power supply operation, equipment prime mover (truck) operation, and vehicle maintenance procedures. Intermediate and advanced language training is available. Prior to, or in conjunction with, being promoted to staff sergeant, Marines will receive Traffic Analysis training (formal school or MOJT). The Department of Defence has stated a career goal for professional linguist of achieving interagency Language Roundtable General Professional Proficiency (Level-3) in those modalities (listening, reading and/or speaking) required to perform his or her primary function. Cryptologic Linguists are encouraged to take advantage of language training events in order to achieve this goal. Operators need to be familiar with Electronic Warfare (EW) operations to include Electronic Support, Electronic Protect, and Electronic Attack and be prepared to contribute to MAGTF EW operations at either the team or battalion level. Knowledge within the skill set will progress from beginner to intermediate to advanced as part of their career progression. Prior to advancement to master sergeant (2691), opportunities are provided for linguists to attend supervisory-level courses in preparation for management/leadership assignments. This MOS will be assigned and voided only by the authority of the CMC (MM). Job Prerequisites (1) Must possess a GT score of 105 or higher. (2) A Defense Language Aptitude Battery minimum score of 110 or higher, waiverable to 100, or demonstrated proficiency in the appropriate language by achieving minimum level 2 proficiency on the listening and reading portions of the DLPT. (3) Must be eligible for a top-secret security clearance and be eligible for access to Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) based on a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI). (4) Must be a graduate of the prescribed cryptologic technical course and maintain a minimum proficiency of L2/R2 on the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT), in accordance with MCO 7220.52. (5) No speech or hearing defects. (6) Must be a U.S. citizen. (7) Must be eligible for a secretsecurity clearance.
New Future Engineers Challenge Focuses on Expandable Objects
New Future Engineers Challenge Focuses on Expandable Objects New Future Engineers Challenge Focuses on Expandable Objects New Future Engineers Challenge Focuses on Expandable ObjectsMay 20, 2016 The ASME Foundation and NASA are celebrating two recent additions to the International Space Station - the Bigelow Expandable Activity Module (BEAM), the space stations first inflatable habitat, and the Additive Manufacturing Facility (AMF), the first commercial 3D printer in space - with a new Future Engineers competition that challenges K-12 students to explore the limits of 3D printing.Entries are being accepted through Aug. 1 for the new competition, which has been named the Think Outside the Box Challenge. The new challenge is the fourth in a series of 3D printing competitions offered through the Future Engineers program, which was launched in 2014 by the ASME Foundation and NASA to help teach young people about 3D printing and engineering design.Arriving on the heels of the Star Tre k Replicator Challenge, which was issued earlier this year, the Think Outside the Box Challenge asks students to design an object that assembles, telescopes, hinges, grows, or otherwise expands to become larger than the printing constraints of the AMF 3D printer, which are 14 centimeters long by 10 centimeters wide by 10 centimeters high. The object must not only be expandable it should also be practical for use by an astronaut living in microgravity on the International Space Station.Entries will be judged on such criteria as the innovation and creativity of the object design, the usefulness of the object on the International Space Station, the quality of the 3D model, and compliance with the design guidelines. Students will also be evaluated on their communication skills during the presentation portion of the competition.Prizes will be awarded in two categories the junior age group for students from 5 to 12 years old, and the teen teilen for students aged 13 to 19. The grand prize winner in each age group will win a trip to Las Vegas for a tour of Bigelow Aerospace to learn more about expandable spacecraft. The trip will include travel costs and accommodations for each winner and one parent. Four finalists in each division will win an inflatable tent for their families. Ten semifinalists in each category will each win a $50 Shapeways Gift Certificate.Entries for the Think Outside the Box Challenge are due Aug. 1. Semifinalists will be announced Sept. 8, and the four finalists will be announced Sept. 20. The grand prize winners will be announced on Oct. 6.In other Future Engineers news, the entries for the Star Trek Replicator Challenge, which closed May 1, are currently being reviewed. The semifinalists and finalists for that challenge will be announced June 3 and 10, respectively. The finalists will be interviewed by the competition judges on June 28, and the winners will be announced July 5.To learn more about the Future Engineers Think Outside the Box Cha llenge, visit http// For more information on the Future Engineers program, visit http//
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